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  • Writer's pictureAlisa K. Michaels

Acapella Official Trailer

Your requests have been heard, Siren Series Fans, and here it is!

As you all know, music, family, teaching, and of course, writing, are huge parts of my life. I can be inspired by many things: nature, art, people, etc. Mostly, music. It speaks to that part of my soul that contains a little voice that was once shy and complacent, but no more.

Music compels me to dance, sing along, and sometimes, laugh or cry. My body immediately finds the beat (I have rhythm. I'm from the Caribbean...enough said). Through this music video trailer for Acapella: Book Three of The Siren Series, I hope to stir the meek voice inside of you and help you to be transported to the wondrous Siren island of Paradiso.

Fans who have already read Acapella will hopefully see and experience the birthplace of Ligeia, Leukosia, and Parthenope, the original Sirens.

Also, a heartfelt 'Thank you! I couldn't accomplish any of this without you,' to my husband who wears many hats in the production of my videos and book covers, as well as, talented composer, Raphael Krux, whose music gives life to my vision of the enchanted maternal homeland of Selena's clan.

Please enjoy our hard work.

With that said, I welcome you to the land of The truly is paradise!

Until the next time, I wish you peace, joy, and great books to read!

Alisa K. Michaels

YA Author

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Jun 04, 2021

Great job on the trailer. I cannot wait to read the third book in this series. I read the first two and could not put them down.

Alisa K. Michaels
Alisa K. Michaels
Jun 04, 2021
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Thank you so much, Karen! I'm so glad that you are enjoying the story. Book three is going to blow your mind. ;)

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